Year 1 and 2

At the start of Year 1 we teach the National Curriculum by incorporating continuous provision to ensure a smooth transition. Children are set ambitious targets and are taught in differentiated phonics and maths groups so that they can continue the excellent progress they made in Reception. 

In Year 1 we continue to expect children to read regularly with an adult at home every week. We also expect children to practise their phonic sounds and maths skills.

At the end of Year 1 children are tested on their phonic knowledge using the statutory Year 1 Phonics Screening Test. The results of this are reported to parents and carers at the end of the year.

We teach phonics using the Read, Write, Inc. scheme.


In Year 2 children follow the National Curriculum. In Year 2 we continue to expect children to read regularly with an adult at home every week. We teach phonics using the Read Write Inc scheme.

At the end of Year 2 children are assessed using statutory tests and tasks in reading, writing and maths, along with the teacher’s assessment of their work in class. The results of these assessments are reported to parents and carers at the end of the year as part of their end of year report.