We believe all our children are special. Many children during their school career will need a little extra support. As part of our vision of 'Achievement for All', we are deeply committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils in all areas of school life. 

For some it may be just for a short time, to overcome a problem with a difficult topic in class, for example, or to deal with a social or emotional situation. For others the needs will be with them for the whole of their school life if they have medical needs or a broader learning difficulty. Such children may be supported in the classroom individually or in a small group by the teacher or by one of our team of teaching assistants.

Sometimes this support is given outside the classroom activity. Sometimes it is not work-related at all and support is given whenever might be appropriate. Sometimes children will follow a programme of learning in literacy or numeracy in particular which differs slightly from that of their class.

If the learning difficulty is more general, then the class teacher will plan a personalised programme of work for the child that may involve extra adult support. This will be discussed with parents and reviewed termly through an individual My Plan. If we feel unable to provide adequately for the specific needs of the child, then we may involve other agencies for specific support e.g. speech therapy, educational psychology etc.

If parents have any concerns, questions or information about their child, then it is vital this information is shared with school staff. We aim to work in close partnership with parents to ensure we meet the needs of all children.

In a very few cases it may be decided to seek a Formal Assessment by a group of outside Agencies which may lead to the issuing of an Educational Health & Care Plan (EHCP). Parents are always kept involved and informed at every stage of the process.

Head of School

                  Mrs Claire Hulbert                 

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)                           

                 Mrs Sue Elsworth

More details about our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as children with special medical needs, including our approach, policies, what Devon offers and other useful information is available on the First Federation website at: 

SEND and Medical Needs | First Federation

Send Information & Local Offer

Under the Children and Families Act (2014), Local Authorities are required to publish, and keep under review, information about the services and support available for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The local offer covers provision for children and young people with SEND from birth to 25 and includes information on education, health and social care services and how to access them.

For information on local services and support within Devon please click here:

Devon Local OfferAs part of this local offer, schools must publish a SEND information report that includes information for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND. This needs to be published on the school’s website, kept up-to-date with changes and revised at least annually. The requirements are set out in the SEN Code of Practice.

SEND Information Report 2024-2025

Accessibility Plan

Click here to view the Axminster Accessibility Plan


Downloads & Useful Links

Axminster Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 2024