Nursery and Reception

We follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage  which sets out the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five years. You can find information for parents on the Foundation Years website. We use Development Matters to help plan, assess and observe children in order to support their development. At the end of the Reception year we carry out a statutory assessment of all children using the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.  The results of this assessment are reported to parents and carers at the end of the year.

We teach phonics using the RWI scheme.

We plan around topics in Little Acorns and Reception , and we also follow the children’s interests and develop learning themes from them. We also join in with the whole school core values each term using age-appropriate activities.

The Nursery and Reception staff are always happy to talk to you about your child’s learning, so if you have any questions please ask. Homework is introduced in Reception which is to practise phonics and reading every week at home.

The Nursery and Reception staff keep detailed profiles of each child through Tapestry which are available for parents and carers to look at online.